Its that time of the year. We offer free layaway on bikes-parts and accessories.
Be proactive and do not procrastinate- put money down on the bike now or if we need to lets place the bike order if we do not have it in stock as early as possible as to assure we get it prior to Christmas.
Avoid Shopping Mall hassles and crowds-get personal service, remember at Terra Cyclery you are treated like family.
Happy Holidays.
Septembers Beautiful Weather
Its been a few weeks since my last post, been very busy and unfortunately neglectful.
Next post will include pictures of our cool Schwinn bikes on sale.
Check out the cool single speed CUTTER for only $299.
Next post will include pictures of our cool Schwinn bikes on sale.
Check out the cool single speed CUTTER for only $299.
R.I.P. Big Blue
On July 29th our beloved Terra Cyclery vehicle, a 1994 Chevy Astro Van was traded in exchange for a new vehicle for the wife.
It was new to us as of January 2002, the perfect one owner vehicle with all documentation.
It served us well these past seven plus years, but alas the miles and years took their toll and along came the "cash for clunker" program which gave us much more then what was its retail value.
It saddens us deeply that it will now be crushed, unceremoniously.
We are hardened by the fact that eventually its metals will be recycled- who knows it might return to these shores in the form of a new bike?
Take care Big Blue. We will always have our memories.
2010 model year previews- Cannondale Headquarters July 22

On the 22nd the Orlando men traveled to Bethel Ct to Cannondale headquarters for the preview of the model year 2010 GT- Mongooose- Schwinn models.
We were very much impressed with the new designs and color schemes. The prices still will remain very competitive with above average good specs.
My favorite is the new GT Touring bike with disc brakes.
I am still deciding whether I liked the new cruiser with the cup holder integrated in the frame.
Check out the pictures.
This Sunday July 26th, Terra Cyclery along with New London Conn Custom Bike Club will sponsor a bike tech clinic/workshop/get together/bike ride.
Bring your custom/rat rod/vintage bicycle and show it off.
John Anderson of New England Wheelsmith will also be on hand to discuss wheel builds/repairs/restoration.
Be there at 2:00 pm rain or shine.
Finally- check out the photo of the GT Airshow riders at Terra Cyclery after the show on June 14th.Left to right Bo Wade, Lane George and Dan Sieg.
Busy July
Those who have visited the shop recently, might have noticed how busy we are.
We thank everyone for their patronage and patience.
Finally the weather seems to be turning for the better and we are now seeing more and more consistent sunny days.
Although it is almost one month to the day, I feel it is better late than never to display some photos of last months GT Airshow at the Whaling City Cyclone at Fort Trumbull.
For the record the Airshow Team consisted of Owner/Manager/Flatland Rider Bo Wade and Dan Sieg with Lane George.
If you look at the photo above taken in front of the ramp from left to right:
Dan Sieg, Saverio Orlando,Bo Wade, Felix Orlando (owner Terra Cyclery), Saverio (Savi) Orlando and Lane George.
Keep checking up on this blog as I promise to do a better job posting.
GT Bicycles Air Show Announcement
BIG ANNOUNCEMENT! The GT Bicycles Air Show is coming to the Whaling City Cyclone on June 14, 2009 at Fort Trumbull in New London, CT. Terra Cyclery is proud to be part of this event and will be bringing you more details as we get them.
In the meantime, check out these photos for the event:
Check out our "Bike Frame/Fork Display" at the XXX Hygienic Art Show in Downtown New London, Connecticut. Our mixed media piece is titled, "Roses". We took an early 1980's FUJI Cromo frame and fork and hand-sanded it, used inexpensive rattle can primer and paint (two coats of each), applied store bought stickers, then gave it one coat of name brand clear coat.
What we learned from all this was:
1.) Always do you work in a well lit area
2.) Always work in a well ventilated area
3.) The area should be as clean and dust free as possible, not like the basement of a bike shop with cobwebs
4.) Clear coat is not like paint, it runs and it also lifted up the stickers
In spite of the clear coat catastrophe, it was still an enjoyable project which brings me to the point of all this; RE-CYCLE Your BI-CYCLE. So do not throw out those old frames, they still got life in them.
What we learned from all this was:
1.) Always do you work in a well lit area
2.) Always work in a well ventilated area
3.) The area should be as clean and dust free as possible, not like the basement of a bike shop with cobwebs
4.) Clear coat is not like paint, it runs and it also lifted up the stickers
In spite of the clear coat catastrophe, it was still an enjoyable project which brings me to the point of all this; RE-CYCLE Your BI-CYCLE. So do not throw out those old frames, they still got life in them.